Operation: Rumbling Resistance

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Inlägg: 1550
Blev medlem: mån 28 sep 2015, 20:44

Operation: Rumbling Resistance

Inlägg av Enfisk » ons 09 mar 2022, 22:41


With WW2 raging on two fronts and both Allied and Axis forces being stretched over vast areas, the Polish resistance have a grand opportunity to turn the tide of the battle raging in their country.

The city of Szydlow was before the war, the pearl of the Staszow region, with its centerpiece being the old castle of Szydlow. This town, as other towns, has been pretty much sacked either in the beginning of the war by the initial battle or by the allied air raids.

The civilian population has suffered just as much. Many of the men and women able to work have been forced to work for the occupating military. Those who refused, were arrested.

A few managed to flee and have been working tirelessly with Allied forces to supply intelligence, partake in raids and sabotage missions as well as rescue their friends and family.


The time has come, while the enemy is weak and morale low, we have the upper hand. With great knowledge of the land and support by British special forces (air, recon, armor and logistics), we might just be able to storm the enemy and cause havoc.

The main force of infantry has gathered just outside the Podlesie farm to distribute weapons and ammo before setting off towards the Dobrow airfield. The British has landed several planes, supplied tanks and artillery on the old disused Niecieslawice airfield.

Our main objective is to cause significant harm to the military infrastructure and rescue as many civilians and captured resistance members as possible.


Dobrow Airfield: Gather in force and attack in force through the nearby forest to the south west. Capture or destroy all enemy equipment and vehicles.

Ponik Forest: The forest houses many civilians that have fled or been forced out of their homes. They are being hunted by the enemy. Venture into the woods and help the civilians to safety.

Szydlow castle: The castle is being used as a big jail for captured resistance fighters. Attack and rescue our brothers!
We are playing as a bunch of raggedy Polish resistance fighters in Norweigan civilian clothes, using Finish weapons gifted by the Soviets all the while being backed by British special units. Clearly this is all made up..

Vi får med oss ett mindre gäng från PRAE som kommer spela bland annat som piloter, stridsvagn, logistik samt spaning. Där av använder vi lösenordet: jointop
för att komma in på spel-servern
M2. Mån tumma

Användarens profilbild
Inlägg: 1550
Blev medlem: mån 28 sep 2015, 20:44

Re: Operation: Rumbling Resistance

Inlägg av Enfisk » tor 10 mar 2022, 13:17

Area of Operations
M2. Mån tumma

Inlägg: 52
Blev medlem: tor 14 maj 2020, 18:16

Re: Operation: Rumbling Resistance

Inlägg av look2 » fre 11 mar 2022, 10:09

Dum fråga kanske, men vad betyder de blå symbolerna vid flygfälten? typ ett uppochnervänt Y med 2 streck bredvid.....

Användarens profilbild
Inlägg: 1550
Blev medlem: mån 28 sep 2015, 20:44

Re: Operation: Rumbling Resistance

Inlägg av Enfisk » fre 11 mar 2022, 10:12

M2. Mån tumma

Inlägg: 1316
Blev medlem: sön 02 maj 2010, 23:01

Re: Operation: Rumbling Resistance

Inlägg av Kalle » fre 11 mar 2022, 12:14

Kunde nästan tro att du skaffat en riktig skärm när man ser bilderna ovan Fisken!

Användarens profilbild
Inlägg: 1550
Blev medlem: mån 28 sep 2015, 20:44

Re: Operation: Rumbling Resistance

Inlägg av Enfisk » fre 11 mar 2022, 22:03

Lite info inför söndagens OP:

PRAE joinar in på ett lite mindre officiellt sätt och fyller upp i vissa grupper, primärt Enabler grupper.

PRAE har:
3st som kommer rulla stridsvagn (call sign RQ, Romeo Quebeck)
2st piloter till VL
1st artilleriskytt till TL
1st FAC till NL

Det blir alltså en mix av PRAE och SSG:are i våra enablegrupper på söndag.
M2. Mån tumma

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