In the darkened skies of early dawn, the SOF-platoon known as Sierra Lima descended upon the beaches of a remote island in the eastern fringes of Europe. The island, once a serene home to a peaceful populace, had been overtaken by a hostile force that terrorized the civilians and fortified strategic positions.
Sierra Lima's landing was meticulously planned. Under the cover of darkness and heavy fog, the platoon made a silent approach using lightweight inflatable boats. When a beachhead was secured, they radio'd in for a section of SOF Littlebirds and 3 howercrafts to make their way onto the beaches. Sierra Lima secured the area without resistance while the logistics deployed a makeshift base behind them.
With the successful infiltration, reconnaissance, and civilian evacuation, Sierra Lima receives a critical update. Intelligence has confirmed that the enemy's command structure is upheld by three generals, each located at strategic points across the island. These generals are key to the hostile force's operations, and their capture is paramount to ensuring the island's liberation.

The Fortress The first general, General Viktor Sergeyev, is stationed at an old mansion which has been heavily fortified. This location serves as a command post for the enemy forces in the southern part of the island. The post has been fortified with layers of defenses including static weapons, minefields, and a contingent of elite guards.
The Windfarm The second general, General Thamos Kovalenko, commands from a the island highest mountain. This location has long been used as a defensive position, bunkers and fortifications from the first world war still scatters the area. This location is critical for the enemy's anti-air capabilities and naval defense.
The Outpost The third general, General Andrei Makarov, is based at a remote outpost deep within the island's dense forests in the north. This outpost serves as a training ground for enemy recruits and a hub for guerrilla operations.

Sierra Lima is tasked with additional side objectives to further cripple the enemy's capabilities. These side objectives include the destruction of a vehicle depot and an artillery position.
The vehicle depot, located in the southern part of the island, is a crucial asset for the enemy's mobility and logistical operations. It houses a variety of vehicles, including armored personnel carriers, trucks, and supply transports.
Neutralization of the Artillery Position An artillery battery positioned on the island's second largest town. This artillery poses a significant threat to both Sierra Lima's operations and the safety of the civilians. This battery has the range to target key areas, including the evacuation routes.

4 MH-6M
7 AH-6M
1 UH-60 (needle med respawn)
HEMTT (rearm, refuel, repair)
4 Quad bike