Operation: Selective Target

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Inlägg: 1248
Blev medlem: sön 02 maj 2010, 23:01

Operation: Selective Target

Inlägg av Kalle » lör 07 maj 2022, 11:39


German insurgents, also called the Red Star, is supported by the Checkian Goverment and have siezed a big portion of the area around Rosche by military force. We have entered the country as part of our defense agreement with the German goverment to help them secure this area and push back the enemy forces. This will be a joint effort between the german and american forces.


We are to do a joint effort to secure a bridgehead towards the main capital of the area, Rosche. To do this we are to join up with 3rd motorized brigade, US 2nd armored platoon and a german mechanized platoon to secure the town of Molbath. Its expected to be a pretty easy target by the man upstairs but as you well know, they have been wrong before. Just north of the town of Molbath there are a substantial enemy force deployed and our advancement. Its expected they will try to recapture Molbath so we have a limited time after we have secured the position to get ready for their attack.

To help us with the defence we are to resupply at a hidden ammo depot where we have everything we need to secure a foothold at Molbath.

US 3rd motorized brigade left just an hour ago and are to set up for the upcoming attack just south of Molbath with the other troops. They have also picked up material from the ammodump so just bring with you what they left behind!

Secure material at ammo depot

Reunite with our forces south of Molbath

Secure Molbath from the enemy and set up defensive positions




Tid: 24 april, 1987, early morning. Light morning fog. Sunrise in about 20 minutes.
Minethreat: No
AA hot: The enemy has confirmed AA north of Molbath. Be careful!
Civilans: Have left the area.

Other info: HA has apparently lost Fisken... last seen walking away from the officers hall with a bottle of something looking like Snaps.... where can he be?

Användarens profilbild
Inlägg: 380
Blev medlem: ons 28 sep 2016, 11:30

Re: Operation: Selective Target

Inlägg av Insane_Laughter » lör 07 maj 2022, 14:46

Är detta en jointop? Eller kör vi bara som amerikanare?
“The thanks of the infantry, in my opinion, must be treasured more by every artilleryman than all decorations and citations. ”
Colonel Georg Bruchmuller

Inlägg: 1248
Blev medlem: sön 02 maj 2010, 23:01

Re: Operation: Selective Target

Inlägg av Kalle » lör 07 maj 2022, 15:05

Bara som amerikanare, ingen jointop (förutom för våra internationella spelare).

Användarens profilbild
Inlägg: 1477
Blev medlem: mån 28 sep 2015, 20:44

Re: Operation: Selective Target

Inlägg av Enfisk » lör 07 maj 2022, 20:26

Sätter ett magasin på att jag vaknar i en bajamaja 3mil från FOB
M2. Mån tumma

Inlägg: 1248
Blev medlem: sön 02 maj 2010, 23:01

Re: Operation: Selective Target

Inlägg av Kalle » sön 08 maj 2022, 13:27

Jag sätter inte emot det Fisken...!

Användarens profilbild
Inlägg: 345
Blev medlem: mån 14 aug 2017, 13:42
Ort: Kävlinge

Re: Operation: Selective Target

Inlägg av Smorfty » sön 08 maj 2022, 15:55

Så ingen cTab eller GPS?

Användarens profilbild
Inlägg: 380
Blev medlem: ons 28 sep 2016, 11:30

Re: Operation: Selective Target

Inlägg av Insane_Laughter » sön 08 maj 2022, 16:54

Smorfty skrev: sön 08 maj 2022, 15:55 1987?
Så ingen cTab eller GPS?
Rödpunktsikten var inte så populära då heller...
“The thanks of the infantry, in my opinion, must be treasured more by every artilleryman than all decorations and citations. ”
Colonel Georg Bruchmuller

Användarens profilbild
Inlägg: 930
Blev medlem: tor 10 nov 2016, 23:49
Ort: Arvika

Re: Operation: Selective Target

Inlägg av Murkelost » sön 08 maj 2022, 17:37

Hoppas viewdistance är fixad ikväll för annars kommer A10:an flyga runt i en tunna av dimma ;)
Get to da choppah!

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