WW2 Kampanj - Operation Day of Days

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Inlägg: 1248
Blev medlem: sön 02 maj 2010, 23:01

WW2 Kampanj - Operation Day of Days

Inlägg av Kalle » ons 16 feb 2022, 22:24


On December 7, 1941, following the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, the United States declared war on Japan. Three days later, after Germany and Italy declared war on it, the United States became fully engaged in the Second World War.

Tuesday, june 6th 1944

The Day of Days is upon us. The beaches has been invaded. We have been tasked to do the dirty work behind enemy lines. We will parachute down in the mist of evil. Drop down and kill your enemy. Germans have been fortifying the area severely and the fight will be tough. The Germans are well trained and most of them are war veterans.

Study the map to recognize the AO (area of operations) this include landmarks, towns and roads.

The goal is to weaken the 9th reserv infantry company defending our resupply-road and take out the artillery that keeps bombing our boys on the beach! We will do this by paradropping in behind enemy lines and attacking them from behind. Hopefully we can strike them without them expecting it and secure material to continue our assult. Our next objective is to libarate the small town of Summa where the germans have garrisoned a big part of their forces. We expect this position to be well defended so expect a difficult fight. We will reinforce you with some mortars to help you succeed with this mission.

Lastly you are to move to and destroy an enemy Würzburg-Riese radar facility. It will help our boys in the sky a big deal!

Good luck!

Enemy infantry troops are around companysize. There are no known tankregiments in the area and we expect to have full air superiority. Known antiair positions are marked on the map but are expected to be light.

LZ PEGASUS Planned landingzone for your platoon. Other platoons will paradrop south and northeast and have separate objectives.
OBJ STRONGMAN Attack and secure enemy position thats locking down our resupplyroad. Wait here for reinforcement and supply after its secured. Destroy artillery.

LZ Pegasus. Our planes will arrive from the east.

OBJ KNIFEBLADE The Town of Summa. Enemy artillerybase and troopgarrison. Secure town and destroy artillery.

OBJ SORCERER Destroy enemy radar facility.

Time: Planned droptime at LZ Pegasus 06:00
Weather: Low wind, early morning fog.
Minefields: Marked on map.
AA: Low
Red Air: Negative

Highly classified information from HQ:
To help identify friendlys from foes our commanders have ordered the following terms for help with the identification:


Make sure to use this and answer immediately so we lower the risk for blue on blue. Try to keep voice and light to a minimum to lower the chance to be spotted by the enemy.

Användarens profilbild
Inlägg: 186
Blev medlem: mån 05 aug 2019, 18:08

Re: WW2 Kampanj - Operation Day of Days

Inlägg av Hassknatten » tor 17 feb 2022, 05:08

Radiofrekvenser som SL önskar används:
30 00 för plutonen.
31 00 för kompaniet.
Den femte spelaren sitter under bordet.

Användarens profilbild
Inlägg: 930
Blev medlem: tor 10 nov 2016, 23:49
Ort: Arvika

Re: WW2 Kampanj - Operation Day of Days

Inlägg av Murkelost » tor 17 feb 2022, 05:45

VL önskar två radios till sina mannar.

Dels så vi kan prata internt men samtidigt också samordna med SL/AS utifrån enabler rollen.
Get to da choppah!

Användarens profilbild
Inlägg: 380
Blev medlem: ons 28 sep 2016, 11:30

Re: WW2 Kampanj - Operation Day of Days

Inlägg av Insane_Laughter » tor 17 feb 2022, 10:34

Vilken typ av artilleri/roll kommer TL ha?
“The thanks of the infantry, in my opinion, must be treasured more by every artilleryman than all decorations and citations. ”
Colonel Georg Bruchmuller

Inlägg: 1248
Blev medlem: sön 02 maj 2010, 23:01

Re: WW2 Kampanj - Operation Day of Days

Inlägg av Kalle » tor 17 feb 2022, 16:58

Mortars första uppdraget, vilken var det du ville ha? Kommer dock inte ha från start!

Användarens profilbild
Inlägg: 380
Blev medlem: ons 28 sep 2016, 11:30

Re: WW2 Kampanj - Operation Day of Days

Inlägg av Insane_Laughter » tor 17 feb 2022, 17:21

Finska 81 Krh/32 är den som funkar bäst. Ryska och amerikanska GRKs har problem med ACE supply, behöver ny logistiklösning om vi kör med de.
“The thanks of the infantry, in my opinion, must be treasured more by every artilleryman than all decorations and citations. ”
Colonel Georg Bruchmuller

Inlägg: 1248
Blev medlem: sön 02 maj 2010, 23:01

Re: WW2 Kampanj - Operation Day of Days

Inlägg av Kalle » tor 17 feb 2022, 17:40

Toppen, det är en sådan som är inlagd.

Inlägg: 1248
Blev medlem: sön 02 maj 2010, 23:01

Re: WW2 Kampanj - Operation Day of Days

Inlägg av Kalle » fre 18 feb 2022, 04:42

Highly classified information from HQ:
To help identify friendlys from foes our commanders have ordered the following terms for help with the identification:


Make sure to use this and answer immediately so we lower the risk for blue on blue. Try to keep voice and light to a minimum to lower the chance to be spotted by the enemy.

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