Operation: Baltic Sea

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Blev medlem: mån 28 sep 2015, 20:44

Operation: Baltic Sea

Inlägg av Enfisk » fre 14 jan 2022, 17:09


The northern hemisphere is rapidly heating up, both literally and figuratively. The icecaps are melting, opening up new waterways for trade and military access aswell as making previously unhabitable land both habitable and economically viable for whoever grabs it first.

The proud motherland has always been a mighty naval power (Major Triumphs in Russian Naval History). While the westerners focus on our action in the arctic region, a small but very well trained platoon has been sent into Finland to create a foothold and re-capture land that was once ours!
They have landed with the aid of our Navy on the small island Montaja and have been in hiding, waiting for the command to launch their attack.

Remember, no insignias on uniforms or markers on vehicles that can be tied to the Motherland.

A platoon of the Motherlands most loyal troops has landed and siezed the small island of Montaja, there they and their vehicles have been in hiding for a few days, awaiting the go-ahead to execute their plan to neutralize vital bridges and infrastructure before the main attackforce of the motherland.

Their first objective is to use small assaultboats to infiltrate the neighbouring island of Pihlajakari and drive any remaining defenders away. This is vital to securing the area in and around our hideout on Montaja. Capture and use any enemy vehicles if needed.

Secondly, infiltrate, through the small waterways (Sikaluoto channels) to silently sneak past the coastal defence of the Finns. Disembark and capture the three bridges marked on your maps. This will ensure that the main attackforce is able to cross into Finland with their armored vehicles as well as having reliable logistical support.


Third and lastly, venture into the Finnish forest and destroy remaining anti-air posts and commandposts hiding in there. The approximate location of these has been marked on your maps.


3 Mi-28N
4 Mi-8MTV-3
4 KA-60

2 2A18M (D-30A)
2 2S1 Artillerytank

8 Rubber Assault Boat
Time: 0730
Weather: Pitch black, foggy morning with light wind
Mines: Some
Civilians: Some
Link to images: https://imgur.com/a/K4H49CS
M2. Mån tumma

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Inlägg: 930
Blev medlem: tor 10 nov 2016, 23:49
Ort: Arvika

Re: Operation: Baltic Sea

Inlägg av Murkelost » lör 15 jan 2022, 08:27

Åh ryssgrejjer 8)
Get to da choppah!

Användarens profilbild
Inlägg: 385
Blev medlem: ons 28 sep 2016, 11:30

Re: Operation: Baltic Sea

Inlägg av Insane_Laughter » lör 15 jan 2022, 13:00

Enfisk skrev: fre 14 jan 2022, 17:09 ...
2 2S1 Artillerytank
:D :D :D
:D :D :D

mi häppi
“The thanks of the infantry, in my opinion, must be treasured more by every artilleryman than all decorations and citations. ”
Colonel Georg Bruchmuller

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